this page is kind of obsolete. here's the updated version and the new secret door projects website.

reading list recommend!

I'm either working my way through these books, or am looking out for them at used bookstores and for cheap. Some are just authors or subject matter that I'm trying to track down. Most of these readings have to do with the everyday spaces project.


six patterns

get in touch

past projects



reading list


Alexander, Christopher et al. -- A Pattern Language

Alexander, Christopher et al. -- The Timeless Way of Building

Wright, Frank Lloyd -- The Natural House

Pearman, Hugh -- Not Building: The Lure of Desolation

Kunstler -- Road to Nowhere, Home From Nowhere

Brand, Stuart -- How Buildings Learn

mysticism, the idea of the house

Bachelard, Gaston -- The Poetics of Space

Harbison, Robert -- Eccentric Spaces (I'm struggling with this one)

Nearing, Scott and Helen -- The Good Life

history of form, inside and outside, lots about windows

Venturi, Robert -- Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture

process, form, drawing

Evans, Robin -- Translations From Drawing to Building

Evans, Robin -- The Projective Cast


Siegfried Giedion -- analysis and tracing of the balloon frame structure

Elliott, Cecil D. -- Technics and Architecture: The Development of Materials and Systems for Buildings

kitchen -- ideal and function

Van Rensselaer, Martha and Julia Rose -- Saving Steps

(Cornell University home economics dept. pamphlet on kitchen efficiency, 1800s)

Beecher, Catherine -- the kitchen as spiritual center of the home

Cromley, Elizabeth -- architectural historian interested in kitchens

Horwitz, Jamie (Jane?) -- environmental psychologist

Brumberg, Joan Jacobs -- women, children, and family life

german/Bauhaus research on kitchen efficiency

perspectival control of space, spatial hierarchies, power asserted through space

asymmetricality in plan

...obviously there will be more!

If you have any recommendations for books that I should be looking at, especially along the lines of inquiry of the print series project, please get in touch!

by any distant chance, can you help me find a copy of these books?

1) Translations From Drawing to Building

2) The Projective Cast

by Robin Evans

One of them is out of print and the other is super expensive.

thank you!