this page is kind of obsolete. here's the new secret door projects website.

past projects... under construction!

this is inevitable, right? There are a bunch of posters and other things that belong on this page — I've been printing since 2001 or so — but I'm still super busy working on new projects so these pages won't get done for a while.


six patterns

magic city repairs

new your city

where to find my prints

get in touch

past projects



reading list

I have a long-term trade set up with Providence photographer Scott Lapham: prints in exchange for documentation. When I get some stuff to him, I will have some images of recent work — right now my documentation only goes up through September 2005! (yikes) New images will be the impetus for organizing all the work, old and new, into some kind of nice portfolio. Then you will be able to see it all here.

New Your City was a city built together by many small children, parents, artists, friends, and myself at a library in Providence.

Until then:

magic city postcard detail

Magic City Repairs is a project I did as a collaboration with Andrew Oesch (and many others) in the early summer of 2007. It will be repeated? recreated? made totally new? this September at Clark University in Worcester.

... and if you like browsing the physical world, on bike, foot, bus, or car, here are the places (and one website) where my printed work can be found.