this page is kind of obsolete. here's the updated version and the new secret door projects website.


New Urban Arts

I taught screenprinting at this afterschool art program last year.

Now I am helping design and build their new silkscreen studio!

the Dirt Palace

Women's art collective in Olneyville.

Olneyville Neighborhood Association

ONA is a grassroots organization that fights against

gentrification in my neighborhood.

people I've made posters for

Dave Cole large-scale, industrial sculptures

Lavender Diamond beautiful music

Tiny Hawks more beautiful music

Magic Lantern film screenings

Recycle A Bike revolutionary collective

Rhode Island Human Rights Watch Film Festival

Blood From A Turnip puppet salon

Happy Birthday Mike Leslie the junk store

and more!

Amherst St. Zone

Chris Monti singer-songwriter

B Shur puppetteer, comics artist

Emily Norton artist and designer, recipient of 2007 RISCA Merit Fellowship in Design

Alfonso revolutionary

Scott Reber destroyer/creator

Leigh Lowry student of women's and gender studies

Michael Wojcicki urban planner, neighborhood activist

Adam Frumhoff banjo player

Paul Marandola philosopher, drummer

Jon Borges noise artist

John McCauley also singer/songwriter

Chris Paddock yet another singer/songwriter, future English teacher

Miranda Stokes one more singer/songwriter, now in Chicago (sniff)

and more...

my awesome brothers

Rich musician, composer, Arabic speaker, researcher of Arab hip hop

Dan actor and director, currently in New York City

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